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⦁ The organisation shall be known as the EAST ANGLIA CONSTRUCTION SAFETY GROUP and its members shall be construction related companies, individuals, and organisation’s with an interest in occupational health and safety within the construction industry.

⦁ The purpose of the Group is to benefit members, and others as may be appropriate, by the sharing of knowledge and experience of health, safety and environmental matters.

⦁ The affairs of the Group shall be managed by a Management Committee, which shall consist of a Chairperson, Deputy-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Programme Secretary, Website co-ordinator, and Social Media co-ordinator; other members may be co-opted as required. Task and finish Working Groups, consisting of members of the Management Committee and other members as appropriate, may be formed as necessary to achieve specific objectives.

⦁ All Committee posts shall be subject to election at the Annual General Meeting.

⦁ The optional post of President shall be a honorary position (with no voting rights) awarded to long serving group members voted upon from time to time by the membership as necessary.

⦁ The Management Committee, in consultation with members, shall consider locations central to the majority of the Group’s members and shall decide upon the venue for meetings, whilst ensuring the best use of the Group’s funds.

⦁ The Group shall hold general meetings at least every three months, or as necessary. The first meeting of each financial year shall include the Annual General Meeting.

⦁ Each member, except Honorary and Affiliated Members, shall pay an annual subscription. Subscription rates shall be reviewed annually and the rates for the forthcoming year recommended by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting. Separate subscription rates will be set for member companies and for individual members/sole traders. Payment of the annual subscription shall be due on or before the second meeting of each year.

⦁ The Treasurer will present a statement of the Group’s finances (audited by a 3rd party) at the Annual General Meeting

⦁ Members may, within reason, send as many representatives as they wish to meetings.

⦁ Any matter not clearly dealt with by these rules may be dealt with by the Management Committee and confirmed at the Annual General Meeting.

⦁ Retired members with previous connections with the Group shall be Honorary Members.

⦁ Any two members of the Management Committee shall sign cheques on the Group bank account.

⦁ The Treasurer shall, with the agreement of the Management Committee, exercise the right to carry out online banking transactions (internet banking) on behalf of the Group and report such transactions the statement of accounts prepared for each general meeting.

⦁ Representatives of the Health and Safety Executive or other Regulatory bodies will be invited to attend meetings etc. (at no financial cost to themselves) as non-voting members.

⦁ Where appropriate, the Group will foster working relationships with other occupational health and safety organisations and groups in the furtherance of health and safety, in circumstances where such a relationship is beneficial to both parties. Where such an arrangement is agreed, members of the other groups will become Affiliated Members of the Group

⦁ In the event of a majority of current members voting at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting for the winding up of the group, all funds, net of debts due for settlement, together with any assets shall be disposed of by gift to The Lighthouse Club Benevolent Fund or its successor charity organisation.

7th February 2019