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Welcome to the East Anglia Construction Safety Group website. We hope you like it and will help us by giving us your news and views.

You are probably here because you are interested in protecting an extremely valuable resource…. the construction industry workforce…. or perhaps you’re just curious.

As it happens, our members all share an ambition to influence and manage health and safety for the better, to improve work processes and practices, create and maintain safe working environments and to ensure the safety and long term health of workers, so you are in good company.

We hope that our website will encourage new members to join the group of like-minded individuals (representing both large, small construction and construction affiliated organisations), including health & safety employee representatives, professionals, trainers and consultants of all disciplines and just about anyone who wants to make health and safety talk….walk.

If you enjoy networking, having ‘constructive’ conversation, learning and keeping up to date through interesting and informative talks and presentations, sharing information, examining topical issues and practical solutions then why not contact us – it’s a good place to start and naturally we extend a warm invitation to you to visit, or join the group.

YOUR participation is valuable to the industry. In the meantime, please browse the site, or contact us for further information.